The Comprehensive Guide to Dating an Influencer

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Last Updated on October 13, 2022

Dating a well-known influencer can sound appealing, especially considering all the free meals and gifts you’ll get as their “plus one.” It’s not all glitz and glam, however, as a lot more goes into being successful in this line of work than just taking pretty pictures to post online. So, how do you tackle dating an influencer if you don’t know the ins and outs of the industry?

Follow these tips as your survival guide, so you know what to expect when dating a social media influencer. 

Expect Social Media to be a Huge Part of Your Life 

Since influencers use social media to make a living, they’ll need to incorporate it into their lives. That means you must get comfortable with heavy social media use and appearing in their posts. Even if you don’t use social media often, you must understand that your influencer may want to post pictures with you to get more likes on their pages.

If you’re a heavy social media user yourself, this new lifestyle may not be a problem. However, even if you’re not, you should offer help make life easier for your influencer and provide them with whatever support they need. 

Don’t Read the Comments

Seriously, if you want to keep your sanity intact, don’t read the comments! Trolls are always on duty with something rude to say, no matter how great you are, so avoid negativity when possible. You may not be as concerned if you use social media frequently and have a thick skin. Still, comments can hurt, so just avoid them as much as possible. 

Prepare for Creepers

The “influencer life” is an amazing way to make money, but it also opens people up to the potential for online and in-person stalkers. Living your life in such a public fashion means people feel they have access to you and may not understand boundaries when they spot their favorite social media star in public. Creepers will send strange messages, scour the internet for personal information, and even show up at locations where the influencer has been tagged. The situation can make your influencer date uncomfortable, so you’ll need to help them out of some precarious situations from time-to-time.

While chatting with an influencer or politely asking for pictures is ok, some may try to do something that makes them uncomfortable. Talk with your date ahead of time to figure out when you should speak up. Perhaps you can decide on a phrase they can use to let you know when they want you to step in and diffuse the situation.

Talk About the Lifestyle

Like any career, you should talk about the challenges of the influencer lifestyle before getting into a serious relationship. Doing so will help you understand the job while you express your concerns. For example, let your partner know if you feel uncomfortable with some aspects of their career. If they don’t know that something makes you uncomfortable, they can’t address the concern. You should also do your best to understand why they have to do things a certain way, so you don’t make assumptions or upset them.

Remember, if you plan to date them in a serious capacity, you must ensure you can handle the influencer lifestyle and the details attached.

Be Camera Ready at all Times

While dating an influencer, you must accept the constant photos associated with the lifestyle. You never know when they’ll need to take a photo, so always be ready to smile for the camera. Of course, you may not always be in the mood to strike a pose, but remember that you don’t want to make life more difficult for your influencer, so if you have an issue, let them know in advance. 

For example, they may want to take photos after a meal, so prepare for it. Quickly check your face and remove any food to make the picture as flawless as possible. As an added note, your influencer may sometimes run into fans, so you may need to take a picture with them unexpectedly. You also don’t know if someone may snap a candid photo of you two together, so be mindful and get ready for pictures as needed.

Get Used to Being on the Other Side of the Camera

Anyone who has ever dated an influencer knows that as their partner, you also become an amateur photographer. Since their lives revolve around taking pictures and capturing great moments, you’ll sometimes have to help them get the perfect shot. So expect your influencer to bring a camera everywhere and ask you to snap photos even when you don’t need to be a part of them.

You’ll need to learn to capture the right shots, take multiple photos, and even retake pictures as required. Your influencer will naturally look at the images and mention some changes you must apply. You have to take the criticism kindly and realize that your partner doesn’t mean to insult you when they ask for changes. It’s just that their livelihood depends on them getting the best content possible. 

Know They Stay Busy

Some think influencers just take a few pictures, look nice, and call it a day. However, while full-time influencers don’t sit in an office for eight hours, they travel and work around the clock. So if you decide to date an influencer, try to understand that their schedule is usually jam-packed.

Not only do they need to take pictures, but they must interact with people and put themselves in situations that lead to good photos. They can’t sit at home all day and expect to make money. They have to plan activities, find great moments to capture, and draw attention to themselves at the right time. They must also make their images as aesthetically pleasing as possible to get more likes. Then, once they capture the content, they have to edit, post, and respond to comments. It’s an endless cycle, so make sure you’re up for it. 

Things Can Still Work Out

Despite the challenges, do your best to remain supportive of your partner’s career while you build your relationship and get to know each other. Doing so will help you succeed as a couple and enjoy your time together.

Good luck! 

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